Wednesday 14 May 2008

The Project Detalis

This is our application to Guinness World Records
We are three guys, Jonas, John Tore and Sondre. We are all dedicated gamers and came up with the idea that we actually wanted to play games 24/7. We want to play the Playstation 3 for a complete week, both night and day.

We figured that we wont be able to stay awake for 168 hours straight, so we will make sure that at least one is playing on the Playstation 3, and the two others may sleep or keep the gamer company. This process will rotate, making sure that the three of us all get to sleep and play. We intend to film everything, with a static camera hooked up to a computer running Linux, and use the video as proof of the record. We also want to make sure that a clock is in the sight of the camera.

The record is based on the amount of time we will spend playing, without ever leaving the house. The only area we will allow ourselves to move within is the second floor of the house we will be in. On this floor we will have access to a room with the Playstation 3, a bathroom and a bedroom.

For 168 hours (a week) we will be indoors playing the Playstation 3. We will receive food, water and other supplies from the owners of the house, without ever leaving the floor. We might walk down a part of the stairs in order to receive supplies, but we will not set foot on any other floor during the record attempt.

One gamer will be present at the Playstation 3 at all times. The person playing will change every three hours. A person will be present and keeping the gamer company for three hours. We will also sleep for 3 hours, but if needed we will sleep for 6, leaving the gamer to play alone. The system will be like this: play 3 hours, sleep 3 hours, watch 3 hours. But we will keep the shifts flexible, allowing us to swap shifts, change the length of our shifts and skip our shifts, as long as one of us is playing the Playstation 3.

We will be playing multiple games, both online and offline. We might have to shut down the Playstation 3 some times, in order to escape bugs, crashes or other technical errors and difficulties. In the end we want to use the footage captured by the static camera and other footage related to the record attempt and make an amateur video documentary about what we did.

Media: We will probably talk to our local newspaper, Vestavind, and maybe the newspaper in our nearest city, Haugesunds Avis in Haugesund. We might try to talk to a local radio channel called Radio 102.We might launch a video on Youtube.


Anonymous said...

dokker komme til å blir feite!! hørre dokke meg? fFEITE!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

eller lykke til:)

John Tore said...

Thanks for the support Knut.

MartinU said...

Lykke te ;)

Anonymous said...

Det er vel ikke akkurat vanskelig dette... hvis bare en må spille av gangen kreves det ikke mer enn 8 timers spilling på hver av dere i døgnet. Det kan vel de fleste 16-åringer klare uten å se på det som et rekordforsøk.